1:1 Coaching

Empower & Encourage

Who I Work With

Have you been overwhelmed by wellness trends and fad diets that don’t work for you? Has your cycle been irregular or you’re struggling to get pregnant? Many of my clients want to find a balance and rhythm for themselves, but don’t know where to begin. That’s where I step in to help. I help individuals who:

Empower & Encourage

Who I Work With

Have you been overwhelmed by wellness trends and fad diets that don’t work for you? Has your cycle been irregular or you’re struggling to get pregnant? Many of my clients want to find a balance and rhythm for themselves, but don’t know where to begin. That’s where I step in to help. I help individuals who:

Solutions as unique as you are

My Approach

I believe in bio-individuality. What works for me, might not work for you or the woman next to you. I believe that women have an innate wisdom for their health and wellness, but can be so overwhelmed by the marketing and what we are told to be.

I help woman learn to connect to their bodies by using their symptoms as signs and data rather than believing that something that is wrong or that their body is working against them.

I use a combination of functional testing, cycle tracking and collaboration from outside practitioners to gather data and find the best solutions for each of the individuals I work with.

Ready to begin?

Two Ways to Get Started

One-Time Consultation

During this 75-minute virtual meeting, we’ll take a deep dive into your unique health journey and future goals. Based on these, I’ll create customized wellness plan with actionable next steps that put you in control of your health journey.

Monthly Coaching

After our consultation, you can choose to continue working together with  ongoing personal support. By investing in these scheduled visits, you’re arming yourself with knowledge, guidance, and empowering accountability to conquer your health goals.

Holistic Healing

Monthly Coaching

Wellness Plan

1:1 Coaching

Mix + Match
Meal Guides

Coaching App

(Goals, Journals, Chat, Feedback)


functional Testing Recommendations

The Power of Bio-Individuality

Finding Your Best Self

I believe that when women are willing to connect to themselves and experiment on what works (and does not work) for them specifically, they can be learn how to be their best selves. And when we find a rhythm or balance that works best for us, we don’t have to fall to all of the trendy health products or diets.

When we nurture our bodies with real, whole foods, our bodies thrive. Our hormones benefit from real nutrition, and likewise, we benefit from paying attention to our hormones. I help women track their cycles and learn to optimize their lifestyles around their hormonal fluctuations so they can feel their best. For example, during your follicular phase, your body is ready to lift weights, go to social outings, lead meetings, and film your social media content. During your luteal phase and menstruation, your body will benefit from more low-key activities, like going for walks or doing yoga, sleeping more, and turn inward to rest.

My continual goal is to create a nurturing and judgement-free space to ask questions, learn about health and wellness, and support women to feel empowered on their wellness journeys. I’m so glad you’re here.


Working together

Journey of Care

I am deeply committed to the success and health of the individuals I work with. When you commit to a partnership with me, you are not only getting a nutritionist to consult on your journey, but also a coach, a cheerleader, and a friend.


15-Min Call

During the free 15-minute call, we’ll talk briefly about your experiences and wellness desires, and I’ll give you more information about what to expect when we work together.


Initial Visit

We will meet virtually for about 75 minutes while we take a deep dive into your story, health journey, and your goal’s for the future.


Personalized Recommendations

At the end of our first visit, I will create a wellness plan with basic nutrition recommendations, next steps and a custom three month plan of coaching.


1:1 Coaching

When we work together, you can expect follow up visits, messaging through the Healthie app, custom goal tracking, and ongoing personal support.

the first step is just a call away

Set Up a Free Call

I’d love to chat with you! Let’s discover your next best step towards healing.

Your Questions, Answered


I accept debit and credit card payments through Stripe.

No, insurance will not cover our visits, and you will be responsible for the balance of your visits.

Depends on your unique needs! After our Initial Consultation I will create a personalized wellness plan with monthly coaching. Working together will be a combination of my professional recommendations and what you need to achieve your goals!

You will create an account through the online platform, Healthie. Once you create an account you will complete the intake paperwork, diet journal, and consent forms. This will allow me to learn more about you and show up ready to ask questions and dive into our plan.